Cookies are small text files that a website stores on a user’s computer. They contain information such as your preferred language or other personalized site settings. If you return to the website at a later date, the browser will send the saved cookie information back to the site. This enables information customized to you to be displayed. Cookies optimize the use of modern websites, partly by giving users information on their websites. The use of some cookies is optional and it is possible for you to enable and disable this here. All optional cookies are disabled by default. However, necessary cookies are always enabled as they are essential for error-free operation of the site. In these cases, cookies may be stored even without your express consent, as it would not otherwise be possible for the website’s service to be provided for technical reasons. Please see the table for an overview of cookies.


Type Cookie Name Function

Necessary session cookies

ASP.NET_SessionId These cookies are needed for the website to function properly when visited, as they provide the current browser session across multiple page views and tabs. These cookies are always enabled, even if you do not consent to the use of cookies, as they are necessary to operate the site.
Necessary persistent cookies VDOCookieConsent This cookie saves your setting, determining whether or not cookies are allowed for the VDO website. Please note that this cookie is necessary for technical reasons.

Functional persistent cookies

No cookies enabled

Statistical persistent cookies _ga
If you have consented to the use of cookies, these cookies save information concerning how visitors use the website. VDO uses this information to improve the website. The cookies gather anonymous data on the number of visitors to the site, where those visitors are located and which pages they have visited.

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